
Friday, April 4, 2014

We are men - evolving.

"No one cares about MGTOWs.  Or any other men. Men are expendable. Please stop engaging in this girl-like fantasy that you will be missed. You are not going to cause the collapse of civilization. Noone is terrified of you.

The ultimate MGTOWs are the monks and hermits of yore. The MGTOWs who love to talk about MGTOWing remind me of women who attempt suicide for attention. Just do it, and stop blabbing about it.

A response I received for suggesting recently that Men Going Their Own Way, should identifiy themselves as such (when it suits them of course), just to remind people - men in particular - that there is an option for them.  I genuinely understand the angst of the person who wrote this.  I understand the impulsive disgust that men and women experience when a man shirks his utilitarian function, and worse, dares to draw attention to it.  It draws the eye to the embarrassing inner life, the "feelz", of a man - we'll have none of that "man feelz" garbage it reminds us of "women, who attempt suicide for attention.  Just do it, and stop blabbing about it."  

Ah, but here's the difference:  MGTOW is (or should be) about LIFE - a life lived well - not DEATH or depriving the world of oneself, or oneself the world.  It's about living and engaging the world as one sees fit, not as others (like my friend here) would have it.  My friend is correct, "(MGTOWs) won't be missed, but our numbers will ebb and flow in direct response to the conditions men find themselves in this world.. It's only natural.  We are not a protest.  MGTOWs can't change the world, but we can (and do) make our place in the world enjoyable and fulfilling on our own terms.  We are men - evolving.  We are new men, and evolution has no need for nostalgia.

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