
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Fiddle away, but don't covet the ruins.

The Zeitgeist of this decade is collapse.  Americans revel in the thought.  The zombie apocalypse is porn for the collective id.  Hope and optimism is passe' in the west, and you know it.  I have my own theories about why this is (and it has nothing to do with the "gender war", race or political affiliation - imagine that), but this goes far beyond the scope of my purposes here, so I'll leave it at that.

People are preparing for something earth shattering to happen, for whatever reason, in various ways, and no small amount of these people are men.  It might just be apocalypse porn, but if enough people buy into the fantasy, it has a very real potential to become self-fulfilled.

I see and hear a lot of MGTOWs gleefully looking forward to a "fempocalypse" when they can smugly proclaim "I told you so".  Let's face it, it's a revenge fantasy.  I understand it - I've indulged in it myself.  I'm here to warn you against wasting your life by making that self-indulgent fantasy your one and only comfort and occupation.  You're not going to wake up one day to find yourself the vindicated MGTOW Mad Max. Your choice to go your own way can only be made tragic if you waste your entire life waiting for that day.  That day may very well come, but I promise you it won't look like you've imagined it, and if you're reading these words in 2014, you're certainly going to be too old or dead to take any satisfaction from it. 

If revenge is what moves you - get to the business of living well and being happy and content as soon as possible - there is no better revenge - there never will be.  If you've got some work to do to get there, get to work and take no small amount of satisfaction in knowing that your efforts are for your own purposes and benefit.  If "you" and "your own happiness" isn't enough motivation to get the job done, then you're not ready to go your own way - and like it or not, you've still got at least one foot in the blue pill world. 

It's a process, and you may very well lapse from time to time, but once you've peered beyond the blue pill veil and seen the world as it really is, there really is no going back.  What you do with the truth is up to you, but there's no denying it. There's also no changing "it".  You have no power to inflict epiphanies on the blue pill world.  You came to the red pill because the blue pill couldn't answer your question.  In fact, you couldn't even articulate your question in the blue pill universe - it doesn't provide for the alphabet, much less the lexicon.  You sensed or experienced something that was amiss and you sought and found answers (or validated those nagging suspicions) elsewhere - and that is how knowledge and truth are attained. That is the process of evolution, of growth.

Once you achieve an autonomous mind, an undistracted/undivided mind, the gravity of the blue pill universe cannot effect your trajectory.  Blue pill shame, judgement, criticism - these control mechanisms are moot.  So then what?

Are you kidding me?  You do whatever it is that excites and inspires you - and you take it as far as you want.  Figure it out, or remember, what that is - only you can know.  This world is a gift, full of infinite pursuits and opportunities for personal discovery and creativity. Go do something, go learn something, go master something.  Stop wasting your precious time on anger, on indulgent fantasies of vengeance. Stop measuring yourself with a broken and grossly insufficient ruler. Prepare yourself.  Master yourself.  Above all, enjoy yourself. and your autonomy, in this world.

You're not going to inherit the earth in the future.  You're not going to witness justice or equilibrium.  Your time is right now. You are your own justice, your own equilibrium.  Happiness and contentment are in your hands.  You have to get up off your ass to go your own way.  There is no compromise - do it now.

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