
Friday, June 20, 2014

Mastering the Art of Indifference.

"Passion is a wonderful if your organization and your colleagues care about you.  BUT it is recipe for self-destruction if you are trapped in a job with a demeaning boss, or worse yet, knee-deep in an workplace where asshole poisoning runs rampant"
~ Bob Sutton, organizational psychologist, Stanford professor, and author of  The No Asshole Rule and Good Boss, Bad Boss (September, 2010)
When I cannot successfully avoid interacting with a woman, I call upon the art of indifference to see me through that interaction safely and easily.  I find that my increasing capacity for indifference towards women has a converse effect on the amount of energy I spend on avoidance.  Where once I would consciously seek out check-out lane at a grocerty store (for example) sans female clerk.  Now, I just see clerk.

  Occassionally, something done or said will jerk me out of this blissful gender blindness, but I still have indifference to rely on.  Female clerks will occassionally find it appropriate and necessary to express their personal feelings about the products I happen to be purchasing.  Sometimes to simply be rude, sometimes to be rude/flirtation, and sometimes it's clear that it's training video small talk - in other words, the clerk has been instructed by his/her employer to engage in small talk.  I regard any of these with the same indifference.  These are the only "provocative" interactions (meaning anything beyond what is required to complete the transaction) that I have, personally, experienced in my life, but having practiced and then I encounter a novel interaction, my response will be the same. 

For whatever reason (and I'm disinterested in the reason) there is sometimes a desire to elicit some kind of reaction or response, I presume, but maybe not - it matters not.  I simply don't react or respond. I don't understand the motivation beyond this "above and beyond" behavior, and I'm genuinely disinterested in understanding it.  Why?  Because there is nothing of value to be gained from encouraging or perpetuating the "above and beyond" interaction.  My purpose is to buy groceries as quickly and as efficiently as possible, so that I can go on with my life.  Anything that impedes, complicates or slows that activity is frankly annoying.  So, I understand (I think), the annoyance an attractive person might experience as a result of being hit on, on a daily basis, while trying to work out at a gym.  But the answer to this problem is still indifference.  Any kind of positive or negative reaction beyond genuine indifference will only serve to provide the provocateur with his/her "reaction".

By now you're probably thinking, "Dude, you're just buying groceries.  What's the big fucking deal?"  And your right, it's no big deal, but I use the scenario for illustrative purposes - because Indifference must be practiced in order to be effective.  If I can deal with a check-out clerk who is rude, nosey, or flirtatious, I can use the same tools to deal with a predatory, manipulative, deceitful woman in other venues, where the stakes are higher - like in the work place.  

So this brings me to the introductory quote I included.  The author is concerned with strategies of enduring and surviving toxic work place environments.  But the "organization" can easily be expanded to include "society at large".  So, If a man finds himself in a society that cares about him, I image "passion" could be "wonderful".  I don't know for sure, I've never lived a society like that, but I can clearly see how "passion" is a "recipe for self-destruction" in a society that views men as mere utilities and that views masculinity and Maleness as harmful to that society - in other words "Toxic" for men.  The solution, according to this Stanford Professor, is emotional detachment and indifference - and I agree. The parallels between working in a toxic work environment and living in a toxic society, are undeniable, and I plan to explore those parallels and strategies further.

When I see or encounter a woman I don't know, no emotion is evoked - only indifference. There is no protective impulse, no gentleness, no sense of kinship. I see woman as a separate species - not greater or less than myself, just alien. I can detect her impulses, motivations and her desires, but I do not share them.  They are completely alien to me - even those women I care about.  I know them, I understand them, sometimes I'm even amused by their company, but there can be no meaningful connection, because women aren't wired for that - not with men. 

For women, everything is a transaction.  There is no loyalty for the sake of loyalty, no honor, no trust.  There is no refuge to be found in a woman.  I detect more empathy, more kinship, more simpatico from a dog - and that's okay. The problem arises when a man expects otherwise, or tricks himself into believing otherwise.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Natural Disaster 



Natural Disaster

No one is immune to this - nature is the great equalizer here.  Some are more vulnerable to the aftermath and that vulnerability is directly proportionate to one's socio-economic status.  A tornado levels your home.  Your ability to fight your homeowners/renters insurance company is directly proportionate to your ability to employ a lawyer.  You may indeed be able to afford homeowner's insurance and thereby mitigate your loss, but you may not be able to afford a lawyer to fight for a fair or even sufficient settlement.  When you need your insurance company, gender doesn't matter - they will Delay, Deny, Devalue - this is industry wide and there are no exceptions.  Like all insurance - homeowner's insurance is a racket, but there is no alternative unless you are (again) fabulously wealthy.  You take your chances.  There is no meaningful government regulation of this industry - they are just another salivating, greedy head on the banking hydra. Honestly, if one had the resources, he would be much better off carrying insurance until he had saved enough of an emergency fund to pay for the complete demolition and removal of his ruined home and then rebuild an entirely new house.  This of course is a rare and difficult thing to achieve, so we have "the insurance industry". 

Here are some tips for property owners:  Don't own beach or river front property.  Don't live in a major metropolitan area.  If you can afford it - install a sprinkler system.  Have your entire heating/AC  system inspected regularly and have your wiring inspected and updated. Install a surveillance/alarm system that you can monitor from your laptop or phone. Look into home automation.  Fence in your property. Install external solar lighting every where.  Keep up your property - no matter what your neighborhood is, or is becoming.  Do your best to break up the pattern of when you are home and when you leave as often as possible.  Be seen on your property as much as possible.  Learn to view your property as a burglar would and address any weak spots.  Make nice with your neighbors, just not too nice.  I have a neighbor who I don't particularly like, but I have established an understanding that I watch his property and he watches my property - we have each other's numbers. Once again, the bear and the faster than the slowest camper rule applies here.

A home is not an asset if you live in it.  The ability to take on debt (i.e. a 2nd or 3rd mortgage) is not an asset.  Later in life, since you have no one to inherit your wealth - why not look into a reverse mortgage.  Make your home suitable for your retirement now, while you have the strength, energy and income to do the work yourself.

I sometimes think that if you can afford to perpetually rent - perhaps that is best, especially if you are not wealthy.


I am (at present) a male citizen of the United States which means that when I turned 18, I was legally compelled to register for selective service - which means that my government has the ability to suspend my freedom and autonomy for the purpose of war, to essentially make me a military slave, subject to a violent death, or to commit mass murder, upon command.  Rest assured, I will not willingly or peacefully accept military conscription if called upon to do so, except - perhaps - in the case of physical invasion of the continental United States, and even then I will have to give it some great consideration, and only then when women are also conscripted into front line combat positions in which their lives are at equal risk, and not unless they are subject to the equal expectation and deplorable condition of killing.  More likely, I will simply flee the country, or evade conscription.   If evasion leads me to incarceration, slave labor - so be it.  I won't kill at anyone's command - certainly not for a corrupt, neo-feudalistic/privatized system of government that masquerades as a representative republic.

I refuse to willingly give up my life for a nation that views men as mere utilities, that refuses to recognize the humanity of the male human species.  There's simply no incentive for marriage or martyrdom for men.  I will actively seek to find a way to prophet from any circumstance - including war, in a manner similar to those who would send me, unwilling, to war.  I will defend and preserve myself, on my behalf, at any cost.  I strongly recommend you do the same.  

There is no one else, in this world, who will preserve you.  A MGTOW must embrace and learn to celebrate this one truth above all others.  Autonomy means complete and utter independence - it also means no extraneous dependents. Today, tax is the price I pay to be left the fuck alone, and when that is no longer sufficient - it's time to drop out completely.