
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Catastrophic Litigation/Prosecution  
& The Divorce and Family Court Industry/Racket

The Four Horsemen of Autonomy's Apocalypse.  
Part 3 of 4


Stay out of trouble MGTOW.  Don't cheat people, don't steal from people. Moreover, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's."  You are already a serf, whether you want to believe that or not, matters not.  You are subject to laws that are increasingly dictated by an elite and private and/or special interest(s).  

There's no reason to draw the attention of those who truly have the power of life or death over you.  There is no justification for criminal behavior until the day you find yourself in a situation where you are faced with the choice of "break the law" or "perish". In every nation of the world there are men who find themselves in this situation, to a greater or lesser extent. By "perish" I mean to die, literally - no more, no less.  

Criminal behavior, theft, fraud, murder, violence - cannot be justified by anything short of actual death.  "I'm going to lose my house" doesn't justify it; "I'm going to prison" doesn't justify it;  "The rest of my life is going to suck" doesn't justify it; revenge certainly doesn't justify it - ever. Don't throw people under the bus, but stop going out of your way to help women.  They don't need your help, and you are putting yourself at an unreasonable risk by doing so.

"and what if there are no damsels in distress
what if I knew that and I called your bluff?
don't you think every kitten figures out how to get down
whether or not you ever show up"

~ Ani Defranco

Don't risk the only autonomy you will ever have with stupidity, predatory behavior or loose ethics.  Don't risk the only autonomy left to you for some airy notion of chivalry, disposability or self sacrifice.  You know right from wrong. Don't like the rules you are subject too?  Fine.  Support those causes that reflect your views, but don't allow yourself to get lumped into other neatly packed agendas or political ideologies.  Remember that Mr. Smith can't get to Washington, and if he did - he couldn't be Mr. Smith for very long.  

It's not difficult to avoid being a fucking criminal in the United States - no you're not going to get rich by playing by the rules.  But there are more valuable forms of wealth - beyond money.  Great financial wealth can be  a prison unto itself.  But Autonomy is priceless.  If wealth aids you in your quest for autonomy, then it's worth pursuing.  Wealth for love or the approval of women is a travesty.   Think long and hard about the source of your desire for wealth. Is it for you, or is it for access to/approval by women? And how does that access and approval benefit you? Recall any dreams of wealth you may have had and note the people you see around you in those dreams.  Think of owning your own luxury yacht.  Now picture yourself alone on that yacht.  Does the yacht still appeal to you, or does it seem a bit wasteful and decadent?

You are not immune to false accusation, conviction or wrongful imprisonment.  The more "resources" you have the more valuable a target you become - to the family court industry and to women, who are hypergamous by nature.  If you have financial wealth (real or potential), you would do well not to flaunt it.

The best way to mitigate legal risk is to not engage in risky behavior.  Dating is risky behavior.  Being alone in a room with a woman is risky behavior.  Co-habitating with a woman is risky behavior.  Making love to a woman is risky behavior.  In every case, you are making yourself vulnerable to an entire gender that has proven time and time again that it regards and values  you as a mere utility, a simple means to a selfish end - a gender that will always put self-interest above yours - even when she means you no active harm.  This is gynocentrism, and it is universal.  There are no exceptions.  A woman might delay her own self-interest when it serves her purpose, but she will always come back around to what is best for her.  Men must evolve to do the same - that evolution is long overdue.  

There is no longer any honor in sacrifice for men.  Stop it. Marriage is walking into a Casino, putting your entire future earnings and any previous savings on a single spin of the roulette wheel. Even if you win, you will lose.

When you lose, you will lose in spectacular fashion.  There is an entire industry built upon divorce and it is known in the U.S. as "Family Law" - it is an openly corrupt and discriminatory system of crony judges and lawyers who operate under the institution of state sanctioned marriage.  It is an active and readily apparent example of cynical privatization and profiteering in the guise of "justice".  The actual well being of families, women, "child's best interest" and men are of, at best, a secondary concern to the revenue stream that is generated by divorce a multi-billion dollar/year industry.

The courts openly discriminate against men, again and again, in child custody disputes, and this discrimination is systematic and culturally engrained/embedded.

(NOTE: these are lazy, cursory sources.  I strongly encouraged you to visit A Voice for Men or visit the sidebar at Reddits r/mensrights for ample and completely non-controversial evidence of what I'm writing about here.  I reserve the right to post better links here in the future, as with all of these posts, I frequently tweak them overtime.  The "fact " is that the facts are so depressing and disheartening, that I simply don't feel like revisiting them in detail at this time.  To be honest, the subject of this "part" is so depressing that It took me over a week to work up enough fortitude to attend to it. 

More relevant links on  Sandman's youtube channel, linked here:

Men who are increasingly faced with crippling child support, wage garnishments and alimony will increasingly fall behind and become subject to incarceration and slavery under the system of the privatized prison industrial complex - an industry that only increases unemployment for men.  Yes we are talking about modern day debtor's prison.

All of this can easily be avoided by simply adopting the MGTOW lifestyle. Don't get married. Don't get anyone pregnant. Got it? Do that for yourself, at least.

So.  You're not a criminal.  You're not a "husband", or "father", or a "baby's daddy", an unwitting sperm donor.  You're not a falsely accused rapist, because you won't even ride alone in an elevator with another woman.  You should follow rape hysteria proponents advice to the fucking T.  Cross the fucking street to avoid walking past a lone woman at night.  Avoid intoxicated women like nuclear waste.  Don't make eye contact.  Don't speak unless spoken to, and only then when others are present and it's absolutely necessary - otherwise avoid it as much as possible.  Here's the kicker - You're still not completely without risk, but you have mitigated your risk enormously.  And the "Bear" and "Slowest camper" analogy is applicable here.  Your not likely to be falsely accused of rape, or sexual harrassment, or stalking, if the person who would accuse you doesn't know you exist.  That's not a terribly difficult state of being to achieve, as an unattached, anonymous and cautious man.  

However, you still might gain unwanted attention - particularly if you are "autonomous".  I was stalked by a crazy young woman in college who became infatuated with me over a fucking poem I wrote in a poetry workshop.  It was a student reviewed workshop - students read each other's work and wrote responses/critiques.  I'd never spoken to this psycho and by the end of the semester she had proclaimed her love for me, written in response/critique of a sestina.  The next semester, she had somehow managed to take every class I was in.  I later concluded that she had gained that information from my own faculty advisor, but I was too timid to confront her (my faculty advisor) about it (either that or she had a network of fucking spies watching me, and to this day I'm not sure which explanation is more creepy).  Imagine if a male - circa 2001 - had done the same thing. I would have been expelled at least, in jail at worst.

Thankfully I lived off campus when this was happening, and I literally spent my last year parking in off campus parking lots and walking to the library and labs under the cover of darkness to avoid bumping into her outside of class.  There was no avoiding her in between classes because she simply followed me to the next class, and it made me so uncomfortable and angry that I eventually snapped, and outright lied to her, explaining that I was a closeted gay, and that she was causing a great deal of jealousy and suspicion in my "off campus" middle-aged boyfriend by emailing me and calling me and following me around all the time.  By then, I think she was relieved to have an excuse that didn't involve me outright rejecting (or reporting) her crazy, ginger, stalker ass.  Even so, she tried contacting me five years after graduation on facebook because I made the foolish mistake of making it publicly known where I had attended college.  I haven't had a facebook account since.  Imagine what lengths she might have gone to get even with me for rejecting her, if she felt it was perfectly acceptable to seek and attain my class schedule?  She would not be the last bullet I dodged, but I'm ashamed to recount how many times I tempted fate in my twenties with regard to women.

I hear alot of talk among fellow MGTOWs about how "unreasonable" it is to expect a guy in his twenties to avoid dating and sex with women altogether.  I understand the thinking, but I cannot begin to express how utterly lucky I was to have avoided the  minefield I waltzed through in my twenties, completely oblivious to the dangers.  I don't personally know of a single man, who I grew up with or went to school, who managed to arrive at age 30, unscathed.  I honestly can't say whether or not I would have even considered my own advice when I was in my twenties, but I do know that I was already beginning to question the inequities and hypocrisy I was observing.  I think that I would have benefited enormously from  being exposed to the concept of MGTOW and the red pill at that time.  If I can offer that opportunity to just one young man, this will all seem worthwhile.

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