
Friday, March 21, 2014


The MGTOW lifestyle is a rejection of traditionalism, so I suppose it's a reaction to traditionalism.  Feminism has set about the task (for several decades - or perhaps since its inception) of demonizing men, masculinity, and anyone, regardless of gender, who doesn't accept even its most extreme and dubious assertions, claims and activities. 

So, we find ourselves in a society that at once demonizes men and masculinity while simultaneously manipulating and indoctrinating men into the very roles that feminists simultaneously damn and demand men to fulfill (i.e. protect me from/with your predatory/aggressive nature, but do so in a way that I deem to be unthreatening, but don't be a pussy about it - man up, provide for me when I demand it - either directly, via taxes or family court, but keep your manfeelz to yourself, and never, ever, question the notion that you are the oppressor; I am the oppressed).

Is it any small wonder that men  (when faced with a society that regards masculinity as fundamentally tyrannical, destructive, predatory, "rapey", violent, and evil - that is patriarchy) might reject this notion?  Is it any small wonder that some men (when faced with a society that views men and masculinity as bad for society) might resist the kind of roles that tradition would dictate, roles that are far from enviable (military cannon fodder, provider, sacrificial laborer, debt slave, husband, cuckold, media buffoon, lecherous, sex -obsessed, pervert/creep/rapist by default, sloth, oppressor, absentee father).  

Reader, I challenge you to watch 8 hours of TV and note all the hilarious and negative depictions of men on TV (or any other mass media outlet) and not come back with the same impression.

So the question a MGTOW invariably asks himself is, "WHY the fuck would I WANT to BE THAT GUY?"  Followed shortly thereafter, or perhaps before, "I'm NOT, nor have I ever been THAT GUY."  And so the spark of alienation leaps up from the smoldering congnitive dissonance he's been trying to ignore his entire life that has whispered into his ear, relentlessly, since his boyhood "This is unfair.  This is bullshit." and a flame suddenly appears, the MGTOW epiphany alights, and he whispers to himself "I don't have to go along with this.  I'm not going along with this anymore - I'm opting out."

Protest?  I don't think so - at least not any more of a protest than a dancing carnival bear who shies away from the daily lashings of his abusive and neglectful owner/trainer, the thunderous jeers and laughter under a circus tent, then one day escapes his captivity completely, into the wild, and quickly learns the true joy, freedom and power of being a bear, wild and free, once more.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Abstinence: It's effortless with cognizance.

賢者タイ kenjataimu - This is the Japanese term for that moment of clarity after orgasm, when a man can think clearly. The fact, alone, that there is no equivalent term in English for such a phenomena is telling - especially when you recognize the fact that 99.9 percent of men (and women, I suspect - regardless of race, religion, socio-economic status, cultural background, sexual preference or identity) would immediately recognize the phenomena.

The desire to have sexual "release" is innate. So is the desire to breath, eat, drink, shit, maintain a safe body temperature and, above all, avoid being killed and eaten. The unique thing about this "hunger" list is that only one of these relentless biologically based desires is actually not required for the survival of the individual (note, I said individual, not species). You can live an entire life span and not die from a lack of sex - and people (lots of people) have actually done it (deliberately) and people (lots of people) will actually continue to do it (deliberately) in the future. Their reasons are various (often religious, spiritual or for reasons of cognizance - like attaining enlightenment) - sometimes admired and/or denounced for as many varied reasons. The point is that it has happened,is happening and will continue to happen.Clarity (or purity) of thought (i.e. thought without distraction) is the common denominator with regard to the purpose and motivation for deliberate abstinence. A Catholic priest is practicing deliberate abstinence, just as a Buddhist priest might take a vow of abstinence. It doesn't matter if it's a mandate or requirement of god, religion, or station. kenjataimu is something like (or perhaps it is exactly like) this stated goal.

So what good is it? The short answer: it greatly decreases your chances of doing something really stupid and harmful to yourself - something with perhaps lifelong consequences. If you understand and recognize the inherent and particular danger a heterosexual man puts himself in when he has sex with a woman, then it's easy to understand and recognize the advantages of attaining and retaining the ability to think cleary at all times, and especially when interaction with women is unavoidable. In other words, you increase your chances of successfully crossing a busy street - astronomically - if you can see clearly.

How do you achieve and sustain this mental clarity indefinitely? You can't, and you won't, but you can make it your "default" state of mind, and maintain it 99.9 percent of the time. The first requirement is that you must, genuinely, arrive at a place where the actual risks outweigh the perceived benefit. In order to do that, you must be able to evoke a rational, realistic and unemotional evaluation of sex. This is an alien concept to most people, and it's not accidental. We - all of us - have been conditioned from birth (and this is not an exaggeration) to attribute a kind of manic and fanatical importance to sex - far more than is realistic or rational. Great fear, mystery, shame, power, pride, even our sense of identities have been linked to it. In the west, sex is a big fucking deal and it has been almost since the birth of western civilization. You can blame religion for that, but men and women, some of whom know better, have been creating, reinforcing and using the hysteria and power around sex for any number of reasons, and always to their own advantage.

The fact is, there is nothing magical about sex, there's nothing scarce or rare about it. Every second of the day, people are fucking each other in not-so-spectacular ways, like dogs or monkeys, for a brief moment of pleasure and release from their otherwise dismal existence. The vast majority of them are not having transcendant experiences. Some of them are doing it for money, or influence, or just to feel "desired". Some of them are just doing it because they're fucking stupid, bored, horny and lack the motivation to think of anything more worthwhile to occupy their time with. More still are doing it, or going to absurd lengths to do it, simply because they've been conditioned to believe that it's a huge fucking deal.

Yes, sex feels good, very good - it's a function of biology. If it didn't feel good, we wouldn't bother with it (Don't believe me? Go grab a stick and jab it into a hole in the ground for an hour - tell me how much fun you had). But the biology of sex isn't as simple as that. For men, the actual pleasure of sex diminishes with time and satiety - YES, satiety is possible. For young men satiation is very temporary, because novelty is still at play. For young women, orgasm is frequently elusive - there is a biological/evolutionary basis for this as well, I believe. In both cases, nature manipulates the young into fucking as often and as much as possible - nature wants babies, because up until very recently, the odds against babies growing old enough to make more babies were not all that great. The problem is that we've solved that problem sooner than our biology has evolved to adjust and act accordingly, and so the human population has exploded and in just a few centuries found itself at the very beginning of understanding the truly finite nature of the planet we live upon, and slowly we're coming to the realization that a population to planet "balance" is going to be achieved whether we like it or evolve or not.

Men, by design, will naturally lose a great deal of their interest in sex in their waning years. It's not just low "T", it's "this shit is getting boring as hell and I'd rather be taking a nap, because I am exhausted working mysefl to death". Women, biologically, don't reach their sexual peak until just before their reproductive stock plummets. It takes some women 10 or 20 years of repeated and frustrating sexual misadventures with sperm trigger happy young men to figure themselves out (in part because a friend or their mother taught them to fear and/or regard their lady bits as sacred, forbidden flowers - not to be tampered with by anyone, especially oneself). Inverse Sexual Peaks! Yes, nature played a little trick on all of us, and we're still falling for it. For women: try and try often in your youthful, reproductive years to get pregnant as soon and as often and by as many and/or by the best resourced men as possible, while you're chasing after that orgasm carrot. Men: If you're lucky enough to get access, you will do it quick and copiously, because you're going to be too tired and busy eeking out a living for all your progeny very soon.

And still, we champion the Alpha cocks and instill the virtue of false scarcity of our precious/sacred vaginas - and their resulting fuck trophies, as if - at any moment - the whole tribe could be eaten by a sabre-toothed tiger. We perpetuate the grand tribal pecking order as if it's still necessary for our continued existence in this hostile (sterilized, mechanized utopia) wilderness, as if there is universally applicable and correct with regard to any and all future human circumstances. We have minds and free will. Why then do we cling like grim death to magical and all powerful "SEX" when it is the only biological drive that is extraneous. Why? It should be very clear by now that "SEX", with all it's false scarcity and value, is the one thing that leads Men to literally work themselves to a premature death, that enslaves them with debt, that shackles them with baseless shame (afterall male sexual desire is "dirty" and "predatory" by default according to feminists). FUCK THAT SHIT! It's bullshit, a fabrication, a manipulation and all a MAN needs to avoid all the shackles that "SEX" in society has to offer him, is the will and self regard enough to say, "Nope. I ain't falling for that bullshit".

"No" I will not subject myself to a fatherhood in which I have ever decreasing societal respect or rights. "No" I will not subject myself to a "state sanctioned" marriage in which I can be divorced for no reason and have my children taken from me, or used as bargaining chips as my wages are garnished, and perhaps find myself subject to imprisonment if I can't earn enough to meet the demands of a family court system that openly discriminates against me for having a penis, while privateers create false employment scarcity in an undeniable attempt to completely and irreversibly privatize "government".

"No" I will not risk conceiving a child in a society that simultaneously denies me reproductive "choice" while simultaneously lumping the lion's share of financial responsibility on me for a child I may have never agreed to, or was deceived or manipulated into, or did NOT in fact conceive.  Yes, there are men being forced to pay child support for children they did not conceive or even adopt.